Bank strike on 31st Jan and 1st feb

Bank strike on 31st Jan and 1st Feb as Bank employees will be on strike on January 31 and February 01, following the call of the United Forum of Bank Union (UFBU).

The decision was taken on Monday after the meeting of salary and other demands in Mumbai was not met. Representatives of IBA and UFBU attended the meeting. There were talks by the management about various demands pending with bank personnel and officers.

This included demands for a salary increase and pensioners. Union officials said that in view of the obstinate attitude of the bank management, the program of protest and strike has been fixed.

After 01 February, employees and officers of almost all banks will be on strike from 11 March to 13 March in support of their demands. Even after this, if the bank management did not accept their demands, then the employees and officers of the banks will go on indefinite strike from 1 April.

There is extreme pressure on bankers as workload is very high on bankers and salary is lowest in govt sector. Even peon on central government gets better salary than bank’s clerk. There demands of 5 days banking and other demands must be met urgently.

So this is all about Bank strike on 31st Jan and 1st Feb. Please share your thoughts on the article and share it on different social platforms.

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