Hello readers , State bank of India has announced results for the SBI Associates clerk Exam Result.The interviews will be started from 11th May.Congratulations to all those,Who have cleared the exam.Here is the link to check your result online :
Click here to see SBI Associates Clerk Exam Result
If you are not able to access site SBI Site then download this Result PDF.
Click Here to download the PDF
Interviews will commence from 11-05-2015. As vacancies of all Associate Banks have been clubbed Statewise, candidates are required to mention their
preference of Banks, ONLINE ONLY, while downloading Call Letter and Bio-data for Interview from the Bank’s website www.sbi.co.in or www.statebankofindia.com from
27-04-2015 onwards.
So this is all about SBI Associates clerk Exam Result .Please share your experience regarding our site,if u have any suggestions or complaints comment below and subscribe us with your email-id and like our facebook page to be updated withsscjunction.com . Thank You!